Tuesday 19 October 2010

Top Ten Tuesday (1)

Hosted by

The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme to share your top ten bookish things. It is especially funny for people who like to make lists.

This week's topic: Top Ten Fictional Crushes

1. Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice): He is pride and he is a gentleman. What else does a girl need?

2. Kalle Blomqvist (Millennium Trilogy): He is a loyal friend. Somebody to visit a bar and have a lot of beer with.

3. Kakuro Ozu (The Elegance of the Hedgehog): He is a literate and cosmopolitan man with whom you could have a game of chess or watch a Japanese film.

4. Henry DeTamble (The Time Traveler's Wife): He is a mysterious man who comes and goes as his time traveling makes him. Life with him must be adventurous somehow but also a little scary as one always waits for his safe return.

5. The Mad Hatter (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland): I'd love to have a tea party with this guy.

6. Pi Patel (The Life of Pi): He survived a trip on a safety boat with a tiger!

7. Harry Potter (Harry Potter obviously): I guess we would have made good friends at Hogwards.

8. Mr. Rochester (Jane Eyre): There is something about this 19th century guys.

9. Franck Lestafier (Hunting and Gathering): He is a French cook. And he's got a motor bike.

10. Will Freeman (About a Boy): A careless bachelor who is not into kids. But he is all into music and one could spend some carefree time with him listening to music.

1 comment:

  1. The Mad Hatter would be a wild and dangerous person to have tea with! That crush choice made me laugh out loud!
